Koel Wrigley – 15 May 2014

To The Commissioner,

I am writing to express my concern over the extensive plans for Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory. There are numerous cases where Hydraulic Fracturing has poisoned ground water both in Australia and overseas; 


Both these examples are recent and highlight how much is still unknown about the effect of the chemicals in fracturing and also the ability of Gas companies to 100% ensure that they can control these chemicals and permanently store them for their lifetime.

Water is a very precious resource in our country and especially in the Northern Territory where we have no rain for many months of the year. The Northern Territory is also subject to wide spread seasonal flooding, and cyclones. Is there evidence that Fracturing companies are prepared for these incidents?

I believe they are not and do not believe the NT is where these systems should be trialled. I am calling that the Commissioner recommend a moratorium on Hydraulic Fracturing until there is sufficient peer reviewed evidence that this technology can ensure no damage to ground water not only in normal circumstance but in the extreme weather we see in the NT.

Hydraulic Fracturing is currently an unacceptable risk.

Koel Wrigley