Name withheld on request of author – 31 May 2014

Dear Commissioner,

I wish to make a submission concerning the Northern Territory Governments inquiry into hydraulic fracturing and the exploration of shale and tight gas. I call on you to make recommendations to amend the laws of the Northern Territory (NT) in response to the following concerns:

1. We don’t currently fully understand the impact of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal gas exploration or the wide range of implications on the environment, native fauna, flora and most importantly the implications for human health. Therefore the law must:

2. Current NT laws do not allow for community consultation or public participation, therefore the law must:

3. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not adequate, therefore the law must:

4. Regulatory oversight is not effective, therefore the law should be changed to:

5. The real cost of Hydraulic Fracturing should be known and recovered from Operators, including:

Additional to these concerns I have a number of other concerns regarding the operational logistics of shale and tight gas exploration and the impacts on human health, these are as follows:
Human Health: Communities living near gas fields in the US have reported serious health effects following the commencement of shale and tight gas operations. Additional to this residents of Tara in Queensland have also reported a wide range of health effects following the exploration of shale and tight gas in their local areas. The reported health implications are as follows:

Impacts on human health and the environment.

I am very concerned at the wide range of potential health risks associated with hydraulic fracturing and exploration of shale and tight gas. Having studied Nursing for a number of years I am well aware of such risks and I feel these pose a great danger to already vulnerable minority groups throughout remote areas of the Northern Territory. I would like to thank you for your time on this matter and I would like to call on you to make the correct and necessary changes to the current laws in order to protect the environment and most importantly human health. I would also like to call on you to take action against the current Northern Territory Government and their plans to destroy large parcels of land across the Northern Territory. I thoroughly look forward to the pleasure of speaking with you in the near future concerning this matter.